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Created 18-Dec-08
Modified 19-Dec-08
Visitors 34
60 photos
Living History

The French Quarter is the historic center of New Orleans. Thanks to strict preservation policies, it probably retains more of its historic essence than the center of any other American city. Visitors today walk the same grid of narrow streets that was laid out in 1718.

Categories & Keywords
Category:City Scenes
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Bourbon Street, Jackson Square, New Orleans, historic, jazz

Jackson SquareJackson SquareJackson SquareJackson SquareJackson SquareJackson SquareJackson SquareJackson SquareJackson SquareJackson SquareJackson SquareJackson SquareFrench QuarterFrench QuarterFrench QuarterFrench QuarterFrench QuarterFrench QuarterFrench QuarterFrench Quarter